Kiimassuo waste treatment centre, waste reception

Open today 7-18

Contact information

Suomen Erityisjäte Oy
+358 440 242 700

Kiimassuo waste treatment centre
Kiimassuontie 127
FI-30420 Forssa
Reception of waste on weekdays from 7am to 6pm

Are you going to transport waste to Kiimassuo waste treatment centre?  If you have any questions, please contact Ali! Please notice, that asbestos waste must be delivered as bound to another solid material or as packed in plastics. In addition, all waste deliveries must be covered.

Marinkorpi treatment plant
FI-29700 Pori 
Reception of waste; agreed separately

Office, Lahti
Kuusakoski Ekopark
Norokatu 5
FI-15170 Lahti

Office, Kangasala
Pikonlinnantie 240
FI-36280 Kangasala

Invoicing address

We prefer to use electronic invoices. Our contact person for invoicing is Mira Hjelm, tel. +358 440 242 719, email Our e-invoicing operator is CGI, 003719246254.

Paper invoices

Kiimassuontie 127
FI-30420 Forssa